Poesie di Lia Manzi

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…

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Marco Stefanelli in mostra con “Orogenesi”

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…

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Nasce Bookers Italia, la prima agenzia di influencer culturali

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…

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Poesie di Paolo Gambi

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…

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Kotodama Fanzine

Last year I wrote about why booking too far in advance can be dangerous for your business, and this concept of margin so eloquently captures what I had…

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Concilio – Sergio Sciambra

Appena sveglia dal sonno gravitazionale, le capitava di non ricordarsi su quale pianeta stesse atterando; saettava nell'atmosfera stringendosi al centro…

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